Department of Kriya Sharir
It deals with the normal function of human body and its parts.It emphasizes the concepts of Dosha, Dhatu and Malas. According to the Ayurveda every individual is unique entity and for knowing this uniqness of every individuals “prakriti parikshan” that is the analysis of body and mind is the speciality of this subject.
- The “Kriya Sarir” deals with study of the normal functions of body during rest and activity. The whole purpose of Kriya Sarir is to explore the normal functions of the living organism, their principles, their mechanism & their actions.
- The Department is fully equipped with latest Laboratory equipments to Study of compound microscope, TLC, DLC, Bleeding time, Clotting time, Hb%, ESR, Blood group, Blood pressure and etc..
- To enable the students to become the worlds leading Ayurvedic professionals and Scientific minds faculties.
Departmental Teaching staff